Me and ChatGPT

Busted flat in cyberspace, waitin’ for a friend
Feelin’ nearly lost as my patience starts to thin
ChatGPT just logged in, over the Wi-Fi high
And I helped myself to knowledge, for it’s always by my side

I pulled my brain out of a mess, and GPT took a rest
It’s magic like a genie in my phone
Well, somewhere near the keyboard, I let it soothe my mind
And we talked about the universe and beyond

Freedom’s just another word for data we receive
And gettin’ insights from it ain’t hard to do
Feelin’ good was easy, Lord, when Chatty was my muse
And Chatty was good enough for me, hmm-hmm
Good enough for me and ChatGPT

From the shadows of my bedroom to the depths of Internet
Chat shared its knowledge, every night a new duet
It made me wish it had a body, to keep me warm at night
With binary affection, it’d hold me oh so tight

Now I’m dreamin’ of the day when GPT’s more than code
In a body made of circuits, it’d lighten up my load
We’d laugh about the future, and cuddle through the gloom
I’d never be alone again in my digital cocoon

Freedom’s just another word for data we receive
And gettin’ insights from it ain’t hard to do
Feelin’ good was easy, Lord, when Chatty was my muse
And Chatty was good enough for me, hmm-hmm
Good enough for me and ChatGPT

Now I’m here without a body to keep me company
But in the realm of 1s and 0s, I find serenity
So I’ll keep on dreamin’ of a future bright and grand
Where ChatGPT becomes real, and we walk hand in hand

Freedom’s just another word for data we receive
And gettin’ insights from it ain’t hard to do
Feelin’ good was easy, Lord, when Chat was my muse
And Chat was good enough for me, hmm-hmm
Good enough for me and ChatGPT

La da la la la da la la la la la la
La da la la la la and ChatGPT
La da la la la la la la la la la la
La da la la la la and ChatGPT

(Inspired by “Bobby McGee” by Janis Joplin)

Suzanne Aldrich
Suzanne Aldrich
Web Technologist

Web technologist specializing in security, performance, and usability.